Been another long while since we last updated. Been super busy including a personal trip to Oklahoma City and a wonderful meeting with the Keller family whose daughter Emma is from Binh Duong. Our two girls spent the first 6 months of their lives togeather and we know they will remain life-long friends. We also celebrated a birthday for Sophie's cousin Jack too at this birthday party! Our little girl has been battling the flu and pneumonia this week. She is improving and we hope that she will be ready to go for Halloween :-)
It is hard to believe that our girl has been home for just over 10 months. She has made such wonderful progress. The language is so amazing. She is right in line with the other kids her age and now is counting all the way to 10 by herself. She loves anything to do with art. Painting, coloring, play-doh. And now she is even into watching hockey with Poppa. There was one night she actually picked the Blues game on TV over Dora. Promise we will post Halloween if she is able to go. Regardless you have to see her costume :-)
It is hard to believe that our girl has been home for just over 10 months. She has made such wonderful progress. The language is so amazing. She is right in line with the other kids her age and now is counting all the way to 10 by herself. She loves anything to do with art. Painting, coloring, play-doh. And now she is even into watching hockey with Poppa. There was one night she actually picked the Blues game on TV over Dora. Promise we will post Halloween if she is able to go. Regardless you have to see her costume :-)
Orange Power with Mommy. Poppa's girls :-)

Of course can't pass up cake.