We have been going and going like the Energizer bunny around here thus the long break in posts. Summer is winding down and hoping the cool weather sticks too. From the last post we visited our favorite place, up to the cottage in Michigan, school started back up, swimming lessons, baseball games and a trip back to Michigan for Labor Day weekend is right around the corner.
Sophie is doing very well with her learning. She is writing well by tracing over numbers and words. Language is doing excellent as well, just like a typical 3 1/2 year old. Other than that she is growing like a weed. Tricia broke out her pants and tried them on, well to say the least they were about 3" too short. We have said adios to all her 12-18 month clothes (yep she could still fit into them until about a month ago). She loves her artwork and explores the world outside. Her memory is very good and always recalls things from her first days with us which is just amazing given the drastic changes she underwent.
So we will just recap the past month with photos and vids.

Opening another chapter in her Story.

Building sand castles.

Loved swimming in the lake. Water was as warm as I ever recall.

With Moots and Poppa.

Daily naps on the beach.

Little beach bum.

First fish!

Catching rays in the Michigan sun.

Painting rocks, a favorite Epworth pastime.

Siting big in the Captain's chair on the USCGC Hollyhock.

Ready to watch the Badger leave port.

Surfs Up!

Watching movies at the cottage with the Hensley clan.

Being silly as usual.

The Fam.

Our little girl, growing so fast.

Cards game with Bear and Jack and Mason.

Ready for school!
Two dads friends for 38 years, two girls beginning a lifetime the same (Sophie was pooped).
First Fish Video