Monday, March 10, 2008


Our Dossier is headed to Vietnam today, or DTV which is the term adoptive parents in the program use for it! Michelle e-mail us just a few minutes ago. It will go to the Holt offices in Vietnam to be translated. That process should take around 2-3 weeks. Once complete it will be sent to the Ministry of Justice (MOJ) in Hanoi for their review and approval. Good progress. Like to see things moving well.
In regards to the MOU renewal etc. Little, if any credible or factual information has be made public. Many people on certain websites claim they have been given information, but fail to cite sources. I will provide updates in the coming days.

1 comment:

Cathy said...

Great News Hank & Tricia! I am going conservative on ours and saying a month for translation. Hopefully sooner. We have been trying to ballpark the time frame for MOJ approval once they get them. What do you think? Thomas & Cathy