Well yesterday was a first for both Tricia and myself. We did forget the USB cable for the camera, so we are unable to up-load the photos/vids from Tricia's skydiving, which was totally awesome to watch from the ground and watching her load up in the plane. I will let Tricia post about actually doing it.
I, on the other hand have a cell phone image to share. I never thought I would actually do it, but finally I did. Sophie's birth first name is Hang, which in Vietnamese means "Angel in the Moon". So I had this really cool concept and decided to just make it happen and what better place than Vegas. Studio 21 is the top shelf art studio just west of The Strip on Flamingo Blvd. The business is family run and have been featured on 20/20 and had a big part of the show The Biggest Loser. I had the luck of having Charlie the owner design my art and after almost four hours later the end result is simply amazing to me.

This picture really does it no justice at all sicne it is from a cell but the gold, blue and pink tones really go well. We talked about the size and came to the conclusion that smaller would not make it work like I wanted it to. I am VERY VERY happy with it and it means so very much to me. Our Angel in the Moon, Sophie is so special and wonderful to the both of us. Crazy things we do to celebrate our children. So Mom, Pop, yes all THREE of your children are now "inked" with very special and meaningful pieces of artwork. In case you decided to call and talk about how beautiful it is, my BlackBerry shot craps yesterday morning, so I have Tricia's cell ending in 7670. We are at the airport in Vegas anxious to see our little girl!!! Thanks to YaYa and crew for taking such great care of Sophie!