Friday, May 30, 2008
Time to Contact Your State Reps!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Last Day To Send E-Mail For Congerssional Petition
UCICS is calling for a campaign by agencies, adoptive parents, prospective adoptive parents, advocates and all of those who have an interest in international adoption in Vietnam to join the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Co-Chairs and sign their letter to Secretary Condoleezza Rice in support of their recommendations for the continuation of adoptions in Vietnam. The focus on the campaign, one that we fully support and advocate for, is an end to corruption and not an end to a child’s right to a family.
You can read the JCICS recommendations in PDF format here and if you agree with these recommendations, send an email of support to this email address: no later than May 30. This email will be included in a petition to Congress
Secondarily, on June 2-4, JCICS is requesting that everyone contact your Congressional Representatives and Senators and ask them to support A Child’s Right campaign. They are instructing as follows:
Call both of your U.S. Senators and your representative in the U.S. House of Representatives.
- You can find your Senators’ phone numbers and email address at
- You can find your Representatives’ phone numbers and email address at
Include the following in your calls and emails.
- If they have not heard about the Campaign, ask them to contact the Congressional Coalition for Adoption Institute at
202-544-8500 or Joint Council on International Children’s Services at
- Send an email to everyone you called. The e-mail is important, but the phone call should be placed first.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Memorial Day

Tom and Charlie Turner were assigned to Attack Squadron 155 at Whidby Island, Washington. Their unit shipped out to the Middle East on board the USS RANGER when U.S. military buildup began there in January 1991. Tom and Charlie had been in the region only ten days when hostilities began and they were asked to fly combat missions on Iraqi military targets in the first wave of offensive strikes of the war the opening night of the Gulf War. Tom was the pilot of an FA6 Intruder, and Charlie his BN (bomdadier/navigator). Both failed to return from missions on the morning of Friday, January 18, 1991.
Later reports revealed that two emergency radio beeper signals were picked up indicating that both Tom and Charlie ejected safely from their aircraft. Both were returning to the USS Ranger after a bombing mission over Baghdad.
On January 20, both Tom and Charlie were officially listed as MIA by the Pentagon. It was not until almost two months after the end of Operation Desert Storm that the Iraqis handed over the remains of 14 United States soldiers. One of those was Tom.
Lt. William Thomas Costen
Lt. Charlie Turner
Thursday, May 22, 2008
We Are Asking For EVERYONE'S Help
New adoptions from Vietnam to the U.S. will stop unless we act immediately.
The current Memorandum of Agreement (MOU) between Vietnam and the U.S. expires Sept 1, 2008. Unless a new agreement is in place before Sept 1, new adoptions from Vietnam to the U.S. will close.It took more than 2 years to negotiate the last MOU and we cannot let that happen again to the children in Vietnam.We urgently need your help. The Attached "Vietnam Child Rights Campaign" document provides detail of the issues and what you can do to ensure adoptions from Vietnam continue.Ask your Congressional Representatives to support immediate negotiations for a new adoption agreement between the US and Vietnam.Thank you for helping children in Vietnam to continue to find loving adoptive families in the U.S.
A Child’s Right Campaign for Vietnam
How You Can Help
1. Today, please read A Child’s Right Campaign for Vietnam at
2. Send an email in support of A Child’s Right Campaign for Vietnam to
a. Send your email no later than May 30th.
Your email will be included in a petition to Congress.
3. On June 2nd, 3rd, or 4th, please contact your Congressional Representatives and Senators and ask them to support A Child’s Right Campaign for Vietnam.
a. Call both of your U.S. Senators and your representative in the U.S. House of Representatives.
• You can find your Senators’ phone numbers and email address at
• You can find your Representatives’ phone numbers and email address at
b. Include the following in your calls and emails.
• “I/we urge the Senator/Congressperson to join the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Co-Chairs and sign their letter to Secretary Condoleezza Rice in support of the recommendations found in Joint Council’s A Child’s Right Campaign for Vietnam.”
• If they have not heard about the Campaign, ask them to contact the Congressional Coalition for Adoption Institute at 202-544-8500 or Joint Council on International Children’s Services at 703-535-8045.
c. Send an email to everyone you called.
• The email is important, but the phone call should be placed first.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Our Journey to Date.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
What A Day It Was

Trish and nephew Mason

Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Even Total Strangers Celebrate Tricia

Monday, May 5, 2008

It is time for the 10th Annual Cancer Survivorship Walk. As you may or may not know, 4 1/2 years ago, Tricia was diagnosed with Leiomyosarcoma of the broad ligament. There are many different types of sarcomas but the most important fact to understand is that less than 1% of those diagnosed with cancer will be diagnosed with a type of sarcoma. Tricia is the 12th, yes 12th, person to have ever been diagnosed with Broad Ligament Leiomyosarcoma and her doctors consider her a miracle. Another fact, 75% of people diagnosed with sarcoma, have a recurrence in two years - this year Tricia was 4 years cancer free!
On Saturday, May 17th, TEAM SARCOMA walks for Tricia, at Creve Couer Lake. Last year, we were a team of over 30 people strong and raised over $1,500 for The Wellness Community so that they can continue to help the cancer community of St. Louis as well as family and friends of those living with or who have lost their life to the monster. This year we are hoping for a team of 50 and to raise $3,000.
If you would like to help us raise money for TEAM SARCOMA, you can click the CHIP IN button at the top of the post OR if you'd like to register to join the walk and Team Sarcoma, you can visit The Wellness Community online at for a printable version of their pledge form.

Team Sarcoma 2007
Friday, May 2, 2008
The Longest Week
Factual news reports are hard to come by. Most have conflicting information, as the writers have no clue what they are talking about. From these stories, a dark cloud looms over the process and ASPs (Adoption Service Providers) which is totally false. As always, the media makes it look like all agencies working in country are to blame which is just not the case. There are agencies like ours (Holt) that play by the rules and do not participate in any of the alleged activities which have surfaced in the report released one week ago today.
We feel blessed to be where we are and with the good people at Holt working so hard to get us information in a timely manner. They truly have their families in mind and are doing everything in their power to communicate with both sides in order to seek clarity.
Two scenarios have surfaced over the past week:
2) Viet Nam will accept applications (dossiers) until July 1, 2008. Those PAPs that have a referral and matched with a child before the MOU expiration date of September 1, 2008 will be allowed to continue.
So for now we turn up the patience knob again. Thanks for all the prayers from family, friends and fellow Holt families. They are all needed and appreciated. We hope you all have a wonderful weekend! That dreaded team from the North side of Chicago is in town for a three game set...GO CARDS!!!!!!!!