UCICS is calling for a campaign by agencies, adoptive parents, prospective adoptive parents, advocates and all of those who have an interest in international adoption in Vietnam to join the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Co-Chairs and sign their letter to Secretary Condoleezza Rice in support of their recommendations for the continuation of adoptions in Vietnam. The focus on the campaign, one that we fully support and advocate for, is an end to corruption and not an end to a child’s right to a family.
You can read the JCICS recommendations in PDF format here and if you agree with these recommendations, send an email of support to this email address: advocate@jcics.org no later than May 30. This email will be included in a petition to Congress
Secondarily, on June 2-4, JCICS is requesting that everyone contact your Congressional Representatives and Senators and ask them to support A Child’s Right campaign. They are instructing as follows:
Call both of your U.S. Senators and your representative in the U.S. House of Representatives.
- You can find your Senators’ phone numbers and email address at http://www.senate.gov/
- You can find your Representatives’ phone numbers and email address at http://www.house.gov/
Include the following in your calls and emails.
- If they have not heard about the Campaign, ask them to contact the Congressional Coalition for Adoption Institute at
202-544-8500 or Joint Council on International Children’s Services at
- Send an email to everyone you called. The e-mail is important, but the phone call should be placed first.
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