Think we can call it finished for the time being. I know there are a few odds and ends missing but we can cross this off of the list of things to keep us busy over the weekend. Tricia never thought she would do pink and green for a girl, but that is how it ended up! Ladybugs dot the room as well, and those who know T well are full aware of her love for them.

Fit for a princess for sure. You both did a wonderful job with Sophie's room and all the little "schtuff". How can one little girl be so lucky?
We ALL are more than ready to have Sophie in our lives IN PERSON. What a glorious day that will be!
the room is just perfect. the day will be here soon when you hear her calling "mama mama" from that crib...
hang in there!
Sophie's room is gorgeous! I can't wait to see photos of her in it! will be soon!
Her room is BEAUTIFUL! Fit for the princess to arrive!
Wonderful job!! I can't wait to see pics of her playing in her new room :)
Looks AWESOME guys! Sophie is ONE LUCKY LITTLE GIRL, that's for sure! We can't wait to come play at YOUR house!!!
you have done such a great job decorating! sophie's room is precious!
The Tripps
Her room is AWESOME!!! Approval is soon, I can feel it! T, C, and E
So pretty... I love it... and the "real ladybug" is a sign of good luck! I think you'll be getting some news soon! We are thinking of you...
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