Welcome to the new look site! Another way to pass the time on a Sunday! Fall is here for sure. Leaves are almost off of the trees, cold temps and wind are here. We have done almost everything we can do to get ready for Sophie as seen by the list on the right, so the last thing we have to do is bug family and friends to keep us busy. My sister Libby came over with her two boys yesterday for a few hours. The loved trying out all of Sophie's toys! After that we joined some friends for dinner at Pho Grand which was wonderful as always! So here we are waiting for shop to open at the CIS on Monday morning (7:30pm Sunday our time). Trish has a CT scan tomorrow with her oncologist, so we ask for prayers today and tomorrow! God has blessed us with so many things in our lives and we know he will keep his hand on Tricia tomorrow!
Love your new blog look! Very fun :) Prayers to you both tomorrow. I'm sure there are always some nerves with that.
LOVE the new blog format! You guys may be in the unusual circumstance of having I-600 approval before people's committee. Cathy and I were talking about how we were prepared for the whole 60 days and thinking we might get Emma is late October or November, and then boom, one day the email came and everything went so fast from there. Same thing will happen to you guys! We hope we can get togther with you guys this winter! T, C and E
New blog looks GREAT! You should do a side business designing blogs (LOL). We had that same feeling while we waited. Right out of the gate we began things and towards the end we were running out of things to do. I started tackling my closets and organizing then and buying containers and things to organize. Not sure if you have already done this but this will give you a few days of work :)! Also our prayers are with Trish. Hang in there...
I will definitely be praying for Tricia today! Love the new blog look.
Laura Gordon
Hey guys -
The new site is sweet! Hope you all had a great weekend. Our prayers were with you today. Hope all is well! Hope to see you soon.
-The McIntyre Clan
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